Every choice along the path of our life leads us down our
path. Sometimes I stop and think about the choices I have made and where they
have led me. Now, don’t get me wrong-my life is pretty good. I’m just thinking
about my younger days and the choices that I made in High School and College.
Oh it may have a thing or two to do with my son being a freshman in college and
going through some life choices.
“Mom, should I get the sedan or the V6?”

“Son, get the V6. That way you will never look back and say,
‘What if’”
There is a V6 Impala in my drive. Well, on the rare
occasions that he is actually at home for a moment or two between his school,
work, and adventures. I think there is a lot of fun in the car.
I think this is something that we aspire for our children.
That they will learn from our mistakes. May their choices will be different and,
hopefully, lead to a better and brighter future. I guess my children are at the
age of choices. My youngest didn’t tell us about the Chinese trip from his
school. I found out at Open House Night. I signed him right up. We will
struggle with the finances. We will make it happen. I choose to not go to
Europe with my high school class for the same reasons my youngest gave.

“Mom, it’s too expensive. We don’t have the money.”
What a sweetie! But again here was something that I
regretted. I have yet to travel to anywhere that isn’t attached. (I have been
to Canada and most of the continental US) How often to you get a chance to
travel to China! This will happen. My husband and I were able to make it so. He
leaves next week for a major long plane flight and the trip of a life time!
I wonder how these choices will change the paths that my
sons are on. I’m sure the experiences will open opportunities and doors. The
journey of life is never ending. My own journey still has many opportunities
and choices yet to come. I will get my travel sometime soon. I have a plan and
my goals are written in words and pictures. I have the Europe trip on my wall
with my visual journal. My husband and I are thinking of taking a cruise. We will have adventures and joy. Life is amazing.
all good. Carpe Diem!