Man in the Arena” is quoted every year on my son’s wrestling banquet program. I
love that the coach is praising the attempt. He speaks to the courage it takes
to be on a wrestling team. While it is a team sport, it is only you and your
opponent on the mat. All eyes are on you. You stand or fall alone.

Theodore Roosevelt
Excerpt from the speech “Citizen in a Republic”
April 23, 1910
I think that the stand or fall is true for all of us-no matter what we do. Some of us take the stand and go out into that arena. We try and try again. For artists and authors, our arena is just as public as those wrestlers. We stand up and say look here is my effort. It is so hard to remember that it is not the critic who places value onto your work. You must have the fortitude to know that everyone sees things differently and that critic may not see your way. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One person may point out the faults and the next may praise your work.
do you feel about your effort? Does it speak to you? Are you proud? Do you love
your art? You should have enthusiasm, love, and devotion to the art that you
make. It is an outlet for your creativity. Never let the fear of a critic stand
in your way. Remember you are not a timid soul who hides in the crowd. You had
the courage to place yourself front and center. You stand in the harsh light. You
have taken a risk. Raise your head with pride and return to the arena. Never give
up; never surrender.
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